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必胜客(Pizza Hut)大约完成了美式餐饮业在海外市场的最华丽转身。美国本土的Pizza Hut几乎连个完整门堂都没有,往往蜗居在Target、Walmart之流的大型超市出入口,作为一个简单粗暴的外卖点餐portal而谦逊低调地存在着。然而该品牌到了中国市场即摇身一变,成了个统一规划管理、连锁价值稳固、品牌与服务意识完善且颇受国内中、高产消费群体青睐的“像样的连锁西餐厅”。


打小吃着必胜客中国连锁西餐厅长大的我,初到美国时在Target超市大厅里看到门可罗雀的Pizza Hut(必胜客)外卖小门铺,心情是五味杂陈的。而必胜客(Pizza Hut)身为连锁西餐厅的规范化和多样化,不是在美国本土,而是在万里之遥的中国市场上实现了最大范畴的认可和创收,这实在是区域企业国际化转型的一个重要成功案例。可喜可贺,本次华夏之旅,令我日日得以大快朵颐必胜客中国欢乐餐厅的满餉胜宴。难以否认,中国真是一个巨大的golden market!

Pizza Hut is probably the very American cuisine corporate that achieved the most stunning turn-around in international markets, especially at China. Most Pizza Hut spots on American soil don’t even have dine-in space and solely exist as a simple take-out ordering portal in supermarkets like Target and Walmart. However Pizza Hut turned itself as an authentic, successful, and nation-wide restaurant franchise of American cuisine in Chinese market with unified management model, solid value chain, synchronized integrity in brand and services, and reliable customer groups from wealthy or financially comfortable Chinese. There are a few other American cuisine brands that can be counted as successful pioneers in Chinese market such as McDonald and KFC. The thing is they covered more streets and blocks at expense of cheaper price and fast-food business model, which compromised their potential becoming “premium American restaurant” in local market. Starbucks is another successful example of international market achievements of U.S. cuisine brands, and it also yields for Pizza Hut in Chinese market in terms of capability of localizing products and customizing flavors.

As used to be a child who grew up dining in a variety of fancy Pizza Hut restaurants in China, I did experience a so-called “cultural shock” upon my first arrival at U.S. years ago when I saw a shabby-ish, tiny tiny Pizza Hut ordering window that was jammed in a Target store along with other fast-food suppliers. The interesting fact is that Pizza Hut discovered an incredible business model and accomplished a triumph in operating a highly-recognizable premium American restaurant franchise not in U.S, but in China, a foreign market half-a-planet away from its hometown. For that matter, Pizza Hut deserves more research and in-depth study as it portrays a classic case of impressive penetration and evolution of a typical American brand in global scale.

Many thanks to my hilarious China trip, I get to relive those gourmet moments from my childhood with Pizza Hut’s Chinese Happy Restaurants again and again! It’s no doubt that China is such a golden market with a big heart and hospitality to everyone who likes to know it more.


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